Wednesday 21 January 2015

The Wonderful World Of Wordle

The Web 2.0 application Wordle is an excellent software which can be used in an educational context. Being a student I feel that Wordle is a great tool which can be used for exam revision. This is because it allows a chunk of text or a whole website or blog to be summarised into one eye appealing image. It can be used as a starting point in preparation for exams; additionally, key words can be learnt to aid with writing essays.

I used the Wordle website to create this picture; I entered my blog url and it summarised the content of my blog to this simple and colourful picture.

So how can this be used in an educational context? Teachers in primary schools can use this as a lesson starter when starting a large project e.g. on rainforests. It can be used to highlight some of the most important points to remember when completing for example, the rainforest project. Additionally, children can use this to make their own summary when making a project or revising for a test.

However, one of the disadvantages I would say about Wordle would be that you cannot choose a shape for your words. For example, if you wanted you words to be arranged in the shape of a heart. Nevertheless it is a good Web 2.0 application and I would definitely recommend trying it.

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