Thursday 22 January 2015

Education Of The Future - 20 Years From Now

Have you ever wondered what education would be like twenty years from now? Will there still be teachers at the front teaching the class or will there be a hologram? I thought I would let my imagination run wild for this post and share some of my ideas of what I think education will be like in 2035!

This is an excellent video which brings some of the ideas of what education will be like in the future to life. The use of holograms is mind-blowing and I truly feel that this will be the way forward. However this made me wonder as to if we will we need teachers in the future. If everything is able to be learnt through the medium of technology and if lessons are already planned out, will we need a teacher at the front of the classroom?

How will children learn in 2035?

The classroom structure and design will also change; there will be more emphasis placed on independent learning.

I hope that children in the future will not need to carry heavy backpacks filled with textbooks, notepads and pencil cases anymore. Will the future generation even need to buy a notebook or will holographic laptops do the trick?

There will be greater emphasis placed on learning through technology, the same subjects may still be taught but the teaching and learning methods will be a bit more exciting.

Yes I know this is a picture of Tony Stark taken from a movie, but it clearly shows what I mean by learning becoming more interesting. Learning will become more interactive and the future generation will need to spend a little bit more time on learning about technology if this is to be the way forward. More teaching in this subject will need to be carried out if we are to achieve this by 2035. Perhaps A level and university students can use this method of learning in the future and can excel even further than what our generation today can achieve.

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